A conference was held on November 3, 2008, in La Sapienza Universitys Pathology Amphitheatre at the Umberto Policlinico in Rome to coincide with that of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) from October 31 to November 3. Both discuss the theory of evolution in the light of the up coming 2009 Darwinian year celebrations.

Whereas the Pontifical Academy discusses data proposed for evolution, scientists at the Sapienza conference presented the scientific facts against the theory. The participants claim to represent thousands of qualified scientists who disagree with the popular view of evolution but whose voices are damped down by the evolutionist majority.

The scientists taking part who oppose evolution had originally sought admittance to the PAS conference. They did so following the appeal by Pope Benedict XVI, then Cardinal Ratzinger, in Truth and Tolerance, that the arguments for and against evolution should be heard with objectivity. He wrote:This dispute has therefore to be approached objectively and with a willingness to listen, by both sides something that has hitherto been undertaken only to a limited extent. Unfortunately, the PAS ignored the scientist's request. Consequently, and in order that the case against evolution be heard, the same scientists decided to hold their own conference. It should be emphasized that these scientists are not creationists and would be offended to be considered as such.

The arguments against evolution are rarely heard because academic institutions such as the PAS prefer to restrict their presentations to data that, in their view, support the theory. As a result the case against the theory is largely unknown to the public. For instance, the highly embarrassing fact that recent laboratory experiments have shown that stratified sedimentary rocks, containing the fossils alleged to prove evolution, formed very quickly. The experiments were conducted by one of the speakers at the conference, sedimentologist Guy Berthault, and published by the Russian Academy of Sciences. A paleohydraulic analysis in the field accompanying these experiments showed that major rock formations deposited not in millions of years but in 0.01% of the time attributed to them by the geological time-scale.

The effect of this conference on the global scientific community may well be comparable to the effect of the current financial crisis on the global economy: Nothing will ever be the same!

The disciplines represented at the conference were:

Sedimentology Guy Berthault, a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique, France, a member of the French Geological Society and the Association of Sedimentologists. His experiments have been published by the French Academy of Sciences, the Journal of the Geological Society of France, and the Russian Academy of Sciences journal Lithology and Mineral Resources.

Biology Pierre Rabischong, previous dean of the Montpelier Medical University and an expert in computer-aided surgery.

Genetics Maciej Giertych a population geneticist who holds an M.A. in forestry from Oxford University in England, a Ph. D. in tree physiology from Toronto University, Canada, and a D.Sc. in genetics from the Agricultural Academy in Poznan, Poland. He is also a representative to the European common market.

Geophysics - Josef Holzschuh, a geophysicist with a Ph.D. from the University of Sydney in Australia. He works in the field of seismic processing.

Radiometric Dating - Jean de Pontcharra, head of the Research Group, CEA-LETI (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, Laboratoire daElectronique et de Technologie de laInformatique. He has a doctorate in solid state physics from the University of Grenoble, France.
Abstracts of the speakers presentations are to be published soon. For further information in Europe, please contact, Peter Wilders,   In North America, please contact H. M. Owen

Visit the conference website at ""
The conference proceeding have been published by Sapienza University in Rome. To obtain copies go to

Gustav Sieworth Akademie in Germany 07/09/09-11/09/09 and at the National research council of Italy on 2/23/09 and at St. Pius V University 11/09/09


(Short abstract of a paper given in Germany and Italy in 2009. One of the many papers presented at the above three conferences pertains to dinosaur and man coexistence.  like the research in sedimentology it challenges the 600 Million year old age for the Geologic Column claimed for evolution of all life forms from a common ancestor.)

Soft tissue and collagen have been discovered and scientifically confirmed in a T-Rex and an Hadrosaur from Montana (MT) USA. But, other scientists from the Paleo Group have discovered that by C-14 dating the extracted collagen from a Triceratops and an Hadrosaur that at least some dinosaurs are only 1000's not 65 million years or older and therefore lived contemporaneously with man.

The geologic location for the above dinosaurs was the Hell Creek Formation in the State of Montana, United States of America. When it was learned in 2005 that Triceratops and Hadrosaur femur bones in excellent condition were discovered by the Glendive (MT) Dinosaur & Fossil Museum, permission was asked and received to saw them in half and collect samples for radiocarbon (RC) testing of any bone collagen that might be extracted. Indeed both bones contained collagen and conventional dates of 30,890 +/- 200 for the Triceratops and 23,170 +/-170 for the Hadrosaur were obtained using an Accelerated Mass Spectrometer (AMS). Total organic carbon and bio-apatite were then extracted and pretreated to remove potential contaminants and concordant radiocarbon dates were obtained, all of which were similar to radiocarbon dates for megafauna (mammoths, mastodons, saber tooth tigers etc) and man.

How does C-14 dating work? All life forms from creation time on are thought to have a small amount of radioactive C-14 atoms. Much more is produced from radiation striking nitrogen atoms in the upper atmosphere and circulating into plant life via photosynthesis, that amount now reaching about one part per trillion of the isotopes of carbon 12, 13, 14. The half-life of C-14 is 5,730 years; this means that one kilo of C-14 it would decay into non radioactive nitrogen 14 every 5,730 years leaving 0.5 kilo and so on until none remained. To be able to detect the beta-ray decay particles, physicist Dr. W. Libby developed a way of measuring the method which counts every atom of C12, C13 and C-14, with samples as small as one mg of total carbon being measured; calibration provides the apparent age.

Reliability was established based on specimens of known historical age. The study of tree-rings has reportedly extended the reliability back to about 10,000 years. Old or young C-14 sources are eliminated by proper pre-treatment before dating with acetic and/or hydrochloric acid removing calcium carbonates and alkali removing humic acids, biofilms, bacteria and fungus; it is like soap removing dirt from clothes.

Thus radiocarbon dating of bone collagen of Triceratops and Hadrosaur and a study of the RC literature for RC dating of the bones of the Acrocanthosaurus, Allosaurus and Hadrosaur, megafuana like mammoths, mastodons and saber tooth tigers and man such as Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon show that they all lived at the same time.

According to Dr. Libby, the inventor of the RC dating method, “There is no known natural mechanism by which collagen may be altered to yield a false age.” Other scientists have shown that collagen and soft tissue would degrade within 30,000 to 100,000 years and the upper detection limit for C-14 is 100,000 years maximum. But, even significant trace amounts of C-14 ave been found in coal and primordial diamonds where there should be none (See chart below).

There is also paleontological evidence that dinosaurs and humans have coexisted as their footprints have been found together in the same strata at several locations in the United States. There are distinct dinosaur depictions world-wide that confirm the RC data; examples have been found in Israel, Syria, East Africa, Peru, Mexico, United States and Cambodia. (See links to "Dinosaurs in history" and "footprints")

To address these apparent and very serious chronological anomalies, account needs be taken of the evolving situation in geology, mineralogy and paleontology. Experiments in stratification and mineralogy challenging the principles of stratigraphy and hence the geological time-scale could help to provide an explanation. The assumption that dinosaurs are over 65 million years old, for instance, is directly related to ages of rocks determined inter alia by the principle of superposition of strata. If this principle is incorrect, as shown by laboratory experiments, so are the interpretations of ages of the fossils in the rocks based upon that principle. This paper confirms the existence of residual carbon 14 in fossils normally excluded from the RC dating method because of their supposed age. Advances in how rapidly sediments and minerals form, and RC dating of fossils in the geologic column now allow for a systematic reevaluation of the ages assigned to the earth’s sedimentary rocks including why even the RC ages for dinosaurs and early man may be way too old.  . For press release and abstracts of the six papers given at the final of four conferences go to   Also to read one of our complete papers go to   Also to read one of our papers concerning our presentation at a conference in Singapore, go to notes concerning our Singapore conference


Bada, Jeffrey L. GLA protein will not last 100,000 years, Scripts Institute of Oceanography