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Therefore knowing the amount of radioactive material present they can extrapolate back to see how long it has taken to get to the present state. The first big assumption is that originally there was an xx percent concentration of radioactive material present in such and such a rock at the very beginning. <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The second assumption is that radioactive decay rates have stayed constant. We have only known about radioactive decay for about a century. We have at most observed radioactive decay rates for 20-30 years on any one sample of material. Based on say 50 years at most, science is now extrapolating to 5 billion years or more. So 50 years out of 5 billion says that we have observed it for say .0000001% of its lifetime. Not very good is it! Rather incomplete and very weak! It's the best we have but do you want to stake your theories and reputation on something that has been observed for only .0000001% of its lifetime. Thats like saying we know how the stock market works because we watched it for one second of its entire history. Because of this terrible weakness we at the Paleo Group are willing to say that radioactive decay dating schemes are only weak theories based on very incomplete evidence. Therefore we are keeping an open mind as to the age of everything from the past. <br><br> We now have scientific evidence that radioactive decay rates can change depending on their environment. This is really big big news. There have been hints of this condition for many years. <br><br> There are three known conditions where radioactive decay rates are known to change. The first example is that in a plasma state some radioactive materials have been shown to change their decay rates. This intuitively makes sense when you consider that a plasma state is a superheated state of matter. Since radioactive decay involves the nucleus which contains tightly bound particles it stands to reason that it would take a lot of energy to change how the nucleus reacted. This large amount of energy happens in several ways one of which is in the high energy plasma state. A Plasma state is a distinct phase of matter neither solid or liquid or gas. The plasma state is a gas like cloud generally consisting of charged particles stripped of their electrons and commonly thought of as "ionized gas". The second way which illustrates reducted nuclear decay rates occurs when some materials are subjected to ultrasonic cavitation. This also makes some sense when you consider that ultrasonics is a way to impart energy into small particles. <br><br> This is a relatively new area of study so do not expect it to be known or critically embraced. It also would mean that most of the dating schemes are completely thrown into a cocked hat and no one wants to admit that everything you have believed and been taught all your life is wrong. It usually takes a generation 30 years or more for new ideas to gain universal acceptance. For an illustration of this consult information on Wegner's continental drift. It took about 50 years to accept that idea by the establishment.<br><br> The first illustration of a changing decay rates is shown by what can happen in a plasma (a super hot state of matter). For over 50 years some theoreticians had suggested that nuclear decay could be altered in the case of a nucleus bereft of its electrons (as occurs in a plasma state). Perhaps the b-particle attempting to leave a bare nucleus would have to overcome a much lower threshold of kinetic energy than if the electrons were absent. The fleeing b– particle could take refuge in a vacant electron orbital around the nucleus instead of attempting to escape all the way into the continuum. This process is called bound-state b– decay (or bb decay). Subsequently, theoretical analyses3 suggested that a significant perturbation of radioactive decay rates could occur in the nuclides of 25 different elements as a consequence of bb decay.<br><br> Experimental demonstration of the actual existence of bb decay, however, did not occur until the 1990s. 163Dy, a stable nuclide under normal-Earth conditions, was found to decay to 163Ho, with t½ = 47 days, under the bare-nucleus conditions of the completely ionized state.4 More recently, bb decay has been experimentally demonstrated in the rhenium-osmium (187Re-187Os) system. (The Re-Os method is one of the isotopic ‘clocks’ used by uniformitarian geologists to supposedly date rocks.) The experiment involved the circulation of fully-ionized 187Re in a storage ring. The 187Re ions were found to decay to a measurable extent in only several hours, amounting to a half-life of only 33 years.6 This represents a staggering billion-fold change over the conventional half-life, which is 42 Ga! (Ga = giga-annum = a billion ) years <br><br> The second condition we will mention under which radioactive decay rates can change is under the influence of ultrasonic cavitation. Recently Fabio Cardone of the Institute per Lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati in Rome and his colleagues have shown a dramatic increase by a factor of 10,000 in the decay rate of thorium-228 in water as a result of ultrasonic cavitation. Ultrasonic cavitation is commonly known to occur under certain flood and water flow conditions. <br><br> The last method of the three can best be explained by going to the actual website. <a href="http://www.gdr.org/nuclear_half.htm"> nuclear half life</a> &nbsp;Also see <a href="http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/25446"> Another article</a>.&nbsp; We present these with no discussion.&nbsp; In the future after we have time to digest it we may then hazard an opinion. <br><br> In addition to the three methods for changing radioactive decay rates, there have been scientists who have noticed seasonal or small variation in decay rates in certain radioactive materials. This is in the early stages of discovery and merits paying attention.&nbsp; One observation is that the decay rates vary as the distance from the sun changes. &nbsp; The theory is that energy from the sun influences the decay behavior of certain substances. For more information click here <a href="changedecay.htm">&nbsp;decay fluctuations.</a> <br><br>REFERENCES:<br><br> 1. Bosch,F. et al, Observation of bound-state b- decay of fully ionized 187 Re,,<i>Physical Review Letters </i>77(26)5190-5193, 1886 <br> 2. Takahashi, K. et al., Bound-state beta decay of highly ionized atoms, <i>Physical Review </i>C36(4)1522–1527, 1987. <br> 3. For more details on the case of ultrasonic cavitation, see this June 8, 2009 Cern Courrier<a href=" http://www.cerncourier.com/cws/article/cern/39158">&nbsp;article</a> or this italian site <a href=" http://www.redhero.splinder.com/post/17182366">article in italien.</a> <br><br> <hr size="4" align="center" noshade="noshade"> <br><br> LATEST IN ISOTOPE DATING PROBLEMS: <br><br> Radio carbon dating is used for objects thousands of years old and radioisotope dating with other elements supposedly show dates of millions and even billions of years for the same or similar objects. I will quote directly from the article: <blockquote> Now, two wrenches have been thrown into the works, Joe Hess and colleagues of the British Geological Survey have found that the ration of uranium 238 to uranium 235 varies moren than anyone previously thought it did OR COULD. ..... a team of researchers led by Michael Paul (Hebrew University in Jerusalem) and Takashi Nakanishi (kanazawa University, Japan) measured the half-life of Samarium -146 to be 35% LESS THAN THE CURRENTLY ACCEPTED VALUE. </blockquote> <br><br> This finding Throws cosmology and the age of the earth and moon into a black hole of confusion. We suspect that only by C-14 dating of burnt wood in volcanic ash will we be able to salvage the study of earth chronology and come closer to the true age of fossils and pre-historic events. <br><br> Geologists and chronologists should begin an intensive search for such C-14 datable fossils in all prehistoric magma flows , such as the Daccan traps of India, magma flows of Greenland and those in California (see note 4). <br><br> Once scientists begin a search for burnt wood in such magma flows they will be able to identify wood fragments for AMS C-14 dating. The ash beds of Nebraska is another great location for further research ( see note 5). At these sights mammal bones and wood would likely be imbedded in the alleged 12 million year old ash beds. As to what could have been the cause of these catastrophic events we suggest you go to the web site of note 6. <br><br> My comment is only when something is claimed to be billions of years old and you watch it for 100 years dont assume that just because it seemed to have a stable decay rate that is was always decaying at that rate. Scientists have only known of radioactive decay for a little over a hundred years. So they have the audacity to say that since we watched it for a hundred years or less we know what its decay rate was for the last 4 billion years. To me this is the height of pride and idiocy. 100 years out of 4 billion is one part in 40 million. Imagine if you had a graph of a curve of on paper and the paper was 40 million inches long and you were only allowed to look at one inch of that paper and predict the curve for the whole 40 million inches. Only a fool would say i know based on the one inch of data what the rest of the 40 million inchs looks like. But that is what is going on when you trust the data from radioactive dating methods claiming to indicate billions of years. <br><br>Maybe they are right or maybe they are off a few billion or maybe they are dead wrong. Please do not base your life philosophy or assumptions of the earth and its time table on concepts this shakey! <br><br> Just between you and I the only thing to give any credance at all to regaurding radioactive dating is carbon dating. We have materials we know are 2 to 3 thousand years old so we can cross check with radioactive decay rates. Think of the old sequoia trees and bristle cone pines. We can count the rings and know their age with the highest accuracy possible of any dating method ,bar none. <br><br> REFERENCES:<br><br> 1. Physics Today June 2012 Page 20 & 22, a publication of the American Geophysical Union <br><br> 2. For more details go to this link: <a href="http://www.geochronometria.pl/pdf/geo_27Geo_05.pdf" >click here</a> <br><br> 3. For a more thorough up-to-date discussion of radiometric clocks including the above references please go to: <a href="http://www.icr.org/article/6957/">click here</a> <br><br> 4. Volcanic magna and ash beds of Long Valey, California-- a good place to begin. <a href="http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/LivingWith/VolcanicPast/Places/volcanic_past_long_valley.html"> click here </a> <br><br> 5. For information on Ash Fall Beds of Nebraska which contain Rhinoceroses and horse bones >click on <a href="http://ashfall.unl.edu/"> click here </a> <br><br> 6. See the link on Shock Dynamics <a href="http://www.newgeology.us/">click here</a> <br><br> 7. See following link for infomation that radiactive decay rates may depend on the sun and its characteristic changes <a href="changedecay.htm">&nbsp;click here</a> <br><br> <hr size="4" align="center" noshade="noshade"> CHALLENGES TO RADIOACTIVE DATING <hr size="4" align="center" noshade="noshade"> <br><br> (1) Dinosaur bone collagen, bone apatite and/or total organics have consistently showed C-14 content in the range of 22,000 to 33,000 RadioCarbon years by five different labs at different times from Texas to Alaska. Therefore, we challenge other scientists around the world to carbon date some of their thousands of dinosaur bones in storage areas World-wide; We think they will show appreciable amounts of carbon 14 and indicate ages from 20 to 50 thousand years not just trace amount due to machine error or contamination.&nbsp;&nbsp;Refer to carbon 14 dating section. <a href="carbondating.htm".for details>click here</a> <br><br> (2) Mummified surface wood on Ellef Rigness and other northern Canadian Islands should be tested for C-14 content by Canadian scientists as we have done. We challenge other scientists to do this.&nbsp; This wood is claimed to be about 40 million years old. However,it is found on the surface of the ground, is unfossilized, burns like regular wood, and has been dated by us as thousands of years old. <i>Time magazine September 22, 1986 </i> <br><br> (3) Polystrate fossil trees, standing vertically up to 30 feet in Nova Scotia; and, other locations world-wide should be C-14 dated by removing the limestone [calcium carbonate] encased wood and dating the wood only. Dilute, hot hydrochloric acid can remove carbonates over perhaps a few days. This was done in the mid 19th century by Dawson revealing flexible, burnable wood for study. Radiometric dating of the carbon present in the strata in which they were buried should also be dated to see how they compare.<br> A. &nbsp; This was in a proposal by Dr. Jean de Pontcharra, atomic physicist from France in his paper, Is Radiometric Dating Reliable? This was from a conference titled A Critical Critique of Evolution held in Rome November 9, 2009. <a href=http://sites.google.com/site/scientificcritiqueofevolution/Home>scientific critique of evolution</a><br> B. &nbsp; Dawson, J. William, 1846. Notices of some Fossils in the Coal Formation of Nova Scotia, <i>Quarterly Journal of Geological Society of London, V. 2</i><br> John William Dawson, famed Canadian geologist (1822-1899) from Nova Scotia referred to the use of hydrochloric acid to remove calcium carbonate from polystrate fossilized tree specimens to reveal un-fossilized wood. As he wrote: "It is perhaps worthy of notice, that the alteration effected from the original structure of these calcareous fossils, consists merely in the filling up of the cavities of the cells with carbonate of lime, and in the carbonization of their walls. When fragments are exposed to the action of diluted hydrochloric acid, the calcareous matter is removed (dissolved), and a flexible carbonaceous substance, retaining the form of the fragment, remains. The residual woody matter burns like touchwood, and leaves a very little white ash (top of pp. 134. [special note by Dawson follows: Coniferous wood is not infrequent in the nodules of ironstone, included in the great coal-bed at the Albion mines].” The Dawson experiment should be repeated with many specimens from that area and tested for C-14 content. If C-14 is discovered then the polystrate fossil trees are only 1000’s and NOT 300 million years or older. For an excellent discussion of the works of J. William Dawson please visit polystrate fossil trees on <a href="www.earthage.org">www.earthage.org.</a> and <a href="http://www.earthage.org/polystrate/polystrate_fossils.htm">polystrate_fossils.htm</a> for more details on polystrate fossil trees and the famous Nova Scotia geologist John Williams Dawson. <br><br> (4) Ten Saber tooth tiger femur bones (Smilodon) from the La Brea Tarpits of Las Angeles werre tested and found to be of similar radiocarbon ages.&nbsp; Carbon 14 ages for extracted bone collagen from the tar pits ranged from 12,650 ±160 to 28,000 ±1400 RC.&nbsp; According to Dr. Libby, the inventor of the radiocarbon dating method and who Radio carbon dated these femur bones: “There is no known natural mechanism by which collagen may be altered to yield a false age.” One such tiger bone from the North Sea was no older than the oldest at La Brea Tar pits. Therefore we challenge scientists to extract and test collagen from other saber-tooth tiger bone species thought to be up to 2.5 million years old and show us they have no carbon 14 content. See the following http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/3484613/Remains-of-a-Sabre-toothed-tiger-the-size-of-a-horse-found-off-British-coast.html. <br><br> (5) Some mastodons are thought to be as old at 2 million years. We challenge the owners of these bones to test the bones or tusks and we think it will show considerable amount of carbon 14 present. Click on <a href=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19983852/> www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19983852/a> <br><br> <!-- (2) Dinosaur bones appear to be only thousand's of years old as well as Neanderthal bones by C-14 dating. Therefore scientists should carbon date the the alleged human-like or ape-like bones in Africa that are thought to be several million years old like Turkana Boy, the Autralopithicines, Lucy etc along with animal bones found in the same or similar stratata. &nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br> REFERENCES:<br><br> 1. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v438/n7064/full/nature04006.html<br><br> 2. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v404/n6777/full/404490a0.html<br><br> 3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkana_Boy<br><br> (4) Ground Sloth: The dung of Ground sloths have been C-14 dated in the range of 10,000 to 40,000 years. THEREFORE C-14 date bones from others particularly from South American that are thought to be from the Miocene period or 23 to 5 million years before the present. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_sloth <br><br> (5) Giant Bison: Giant bisons have been C-14 dated from the USA to Armenia and are the same age as dinosaurs. Some are thought to be 500,000 years old so C-14 date their bones particularly from Euraasia. https://www.dmr.nd.gov/ndfossil/education/pdf/bison.pdf and http://id-archserve.ucsb.edu/anth3/courseware/Pleistocene/6_Bestiary.html<br><br> (8) Alaska fossil wood buried up to 2000 feet deep in permafrost. Perform C-14 dating on core samples from oil drilling activities of the past 50 or so years that are located in storage areas. <br><br> (5) Nova Scotia wood impregnated with calcium carbonate have never been C-14 dated because they are considered petrified all the way through and 300 million years old. Yet in 184? Dawson (0 used hydrochloric acid to remove the calcium carbonate and discovered wood that actually was flexible and could be burned <br><br> (10) Since petrified wood from Sidney Harbor, Australia sandstone allegedly 225 million years old was actually RC dated at 33,000 radiocarbon years, the same range as for dinosaur bones then all petrified wood should be considered for AMS C-14 dating. <br><br> (11) Cripple Creek, Colorado is the premier gold mining district of Colorado having produced over 23 million ounce of gold since 1891 according to this reference (Snelling, 2/14/28). This was found 700 feet deep. Therefore C-14 date other fossil wood from this mine and others. Ar/Ar says the volcanic material there was 33 million years old but C-14 dating of the wood showed it to be only 42,260 years well within C-14 dating range. <br><br> (12) Testing for C-14 in ten coal beds showed their ages to be 48,000-50,000 years in age. Therefore test for C-14 in coals World-wide. <br><br> (13) Diamonds have been tested for C-14 content and found in the range of 55,000 to 80,000 RC years (Southon and Taylor). Diamonds are allegedly 500,000 to 3 million years old. They have been tested from South America and South Africa. Notice that the older material such as diamond has less C-14 then say coal or dinosaur bones. Therefore test for C-14 in shells and fossil wood in all deep cores such as that drilled for oil or in basins caused by asteroid impacts. <br><br> CONCLUSIONS: Academia World wide should help the advancement of science by C-14 the fossils and comparing that with other less reliable dating methods. <br><br> REFERENCES: http://www.hccmi.org/images/carbondating.pdf --> <br><br> <hr> <div id="footer"> <a href="contact.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact Us</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="index.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Home Page</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <br> <a href="fossils.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Kinds of fossils</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="wview.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;World Views</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="articles.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Interesting articles</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="dinohistory.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Dinosaurs in history</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="sediments.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Sediments</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="decay.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Radioactive Decay</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="mudstones.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Mudstone forming</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="hughpet.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Oil Formation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="hughpet.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Wood to Stone</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="carbondating.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Carbon 14 Dating</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="russia.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Wordlwide Research</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="footprints.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Footprints</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="hugsed.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Grand Canyon Research</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="conferences.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Conferences</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="dinoblood.htm">&nbsp;&nbsp;Dinosaur Blood</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <!-- footer --> </div> </body> </html>